2018 is Off to a Fast Start #NeedforSpeed

Like most people, we are starting off the New Year wanting to connect more and faster with the moments that matter.
To ensure we can keep up with our favorite sports, or Hollywood Award shows, Comcast increased the speeds of its Xfinity Internet service packages for existing customers in Arizona at no additional cost. No matter what package you have, you can now download movies, music and games faster, saving you time and money.
Speed increases will vary based on the Xfinity Internet customers’ current speed subscriptions, and the majority will see an increase of 50 Mbps. New and existing customers can expect to experience enhanced speeds this month.
Here are the details:
To get the increased speeds, most customers will simply need to re-start their modems when notified by Comcast that the new speed is available. Comcast will also notify customers who may need to upgrade their modems to receive the increased speeds. Those who own their own modems and need to upgrade them to receive the increased speeds will need to purchase a new one or can lease a new modem from Comcast.
To learn more about your connection speed, login to your Xfinity My Account.